Travel Course 1 – 4 Credits
University of the Pacific 1, 2, 3 or 4 graduate level semester credits
What better way to educate students than to bring the world into the classroom? Take advantage of your domestic and international travels and earn continuing education credits. From a three-day weekend trip to a historic domestic location to a month long jaunt through Europe, experiences that you have during your travels are great educational tools back in the classroom. Combine your love of travel and learning while earning state-mandated continuing education credits. The credits are offered through University of the Pacific and vary in number depending upon the amount of class time. Explore the website for specific requirements and guidelines. Should you have any questions, please contact Scott Ricardo.
Earn Credit Hours through the University of the Pacific

Summer Institutes partners with the Center for Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE) at the University of the Pacific to offer professional development programming where students can earn graduate-level professional development units (PDUs) for successful completion of applicable coursework. Learn more
PDSI 9900 Developing Lesson Plans Through Travel Education Class One
Choose from 1, 2, 3, or 4 Credits
CRN | Crs. ID# | Course Titles | ||
10937 | PSDI 9900 |
Developing Lesson Plans Through Travel Education Class One |
Register Above | Downloads Registration Form Guidelines/Syllabus |
Term: No set term – Class One in travel series |
PDSI 9901 Travel Experiences for the Classroom Class Two
Choose from 1, 2, 3, or 4 Credits
CRN | Crs. ID# | Course Titles | ||
10938 | PSDI 9901 |
Travel Experiences for the Classroom Class Two |
Register Above | Downloads Registration Form Guidelines/Syllabus |
Term: No set term – Class Two in travel series Class One must be completed prior to enrollment in Class Two. |
PDSI 9902 Advanced Travel Education 1 Class Three
Choose from 1, 2, 3, or 4 Credits
CRN | Crs. ID# | Course Titles | ||
11418 | PDSI 9902 |
Advanced Travel Education 1 Class Three |
Register Above | Downloads Registration Form Guidelines/Syllabus |
Term: No set term – Class Three in travel series Classes One and Two must be completed prior to enrollment in Class Three. |
Pass/Fail Grade Only Requirements
Students will earn units based upon the amount of time that they spend on the trip engaging in activities that include, but are not limited to, pre-planning, museum visits, trips to historical sites, cultural experiences, development of lesson plans, power point presentations, check for understanding activities, development of new tests, etc. Actual time spent on coursework is 15 hours per semester credit. Students can choose between two or three graduate semester credits. All accompanying work (pre-travel planning log, travel journal, and post travel lesson plan) for credits will be evaluated by Summer Institutes.
It will be the discretion of Summer Institutes to award the appropriate credits as determined by the quality and thoroughness of the required work. Participants will be notified should their work not meet the requirements for the credits that they applied for.
Should you have any questions at any time, you are to contact Summer Institutes. Semester units or non-degree graduate-level credit are awarded for successful completion of coursework. In addition, these courses will be listed on a University transcript. Designed exclusively to meet the needs of educators and administrators for professional upgrading and salary advancement, these credits are not applicable to a degree program at Pacific. District approval is recommended before enrolling as tuition is non-refundable. These units do not count toward undergraduate degree requirements.
Specific Education Outcomes
Students who take this course will:
- Gain awareness of global connections among world societies
- Gain an appreciation for historical events in time and context
- Identify advancements in relationships between individuals and organizations
- Be able to identify similarities and differences among cultures without judgment
- Share this awareness to students both inside and outside of classroom walls
Course Syllabus for Summer Institutes Travel Credits
The travel credits are offered to promote the travel opportunities around the globe that are available to educators. Teaching professionals can gain invaluable insight into the subjects they teach through travel and cultural, historical, scientific and social study of different peoples and cultures. Credits will be earned through the total travel experience that include preparation prior to the trip, actual travel and implementation of experiences and study in the classroom.
PRE-TRAVEL PLANNING – Document at least ten hours of pre-travel planning that may include readings, study, and communication and correspondence with students/travel partners. The purpose of this time will be to establish to maximize learning and better prepare for the travel experience. Your time will be documented on a pre-travel planning log. You will download this log from the website. Pre-travel planning logs may be either mailed or emailed to Summer Institutes.
TRAVEL EXPERIENCE – Keep a daily journal for the duration of the travel experience. This journal should include all experiences, contacts and activities that took place. Special notice should be given to those activities that may be included in the post-trip lesson plans that will be used in the classroom. Any teaching aids that are bought or acquired must be listed in the journal. A copy of the daily journal will be submitted along with other required materials. You will choose a journal that best suites your need and can easily be sent through the mail. If you choose to keep your journal and re-write your entries, these can be e-mailed to Summer Institutes.
POST-TRAVEL LESSON PLANS – Develop a lesson plan that includes information, experiences and activities that took place during the travel time. The lesson plan is required and should include the following:
- Title of lesson
- Student learning objectives
- Relevant state learning benchmarks (vary by state)
- Outline of lesson to include references to travel information/materials
- Method of student assessment along with actual assessment grading criteria (ex: rubric, grade sheet, etc.)
Lesson plans may be either mailed or emailed to Summer Institutes. Lesson plans must be submitted no later than three weeks following the completion of travel.
POSTING OF GRADES – Grades for the work will be posted during the next available grading period. It is the responsibility of the participant to check posting deadlines so that all work may meet respective state and school district requirements.
Should you have any questions at any time, you are to contact Summer Institutes.
Happy travels and thanks for choosing the Summer Institute for your educational needs!
PLEASE NOTE – Semester units (hours) or non-degree graduate-level credit are awarded for successful completion of coursework. In addition, these courses will be listed on a University transcript. Designed exclusively to meet the needs of educators and administrators for professional upgrading and salary advancement, these credits are not applicable to a degree program at Pacific. District approval is recommended before enrolling as tuition is non-refundable. These units do not count toward undergraduate degree requirements.
- Transcript Request
- Official Transcript Request Form
- Official Transcripts (All programs except law and dental)Online orders, visit National Student Clearinghouse .Cost: $5 per transcript plus a $2.25 order processing fee. To check the status of an order, visit the Transcript Order Status Tool.Email, telephone, and fax requests will not be honored, nor will transcripts be emailed or faxed.