Meet our SI Family
Scott Ricardo founded Summer Institutes in 1987 with the goal of helping teachers incorporate new and effective strategies into their classrooms while fighting burnout. His conferences have been held throughout the U.S., but have their home in the Pacific Northwest. To date, over 26,000 teachers have become a part of what he calls his “SI Family.”
While running his company, he also worked for twenty-one years as a University Teacher/ Coach/ Fund Raiser at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, University of California, Berkeley, Washington State University, Central Washington University and Humboldt State University. Learn More …
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What makes Summer Institutes Unique?
Multi-topics keynote speakers address teaching strategies that are not normally covered in single subject courses – Example: In a single subject math course, you would not receive information on topics like, “How To Handle Bullying in the Classroom,” “Student Self Esteem,” “Building Relationships,” and a variety of other relevant topics