2020 National Virtual On-Demand Conference
PDSI 9970 — Are You At Your Best? Empowering (At-Hope) Students to Self-Manage
3 – 4 Credits Available
Register Now:
Individual Registation:
3 credits
4 Credits
Conference Only (no credits)
Course Information
Date and Time: Ongoing
Online – “On-Demand” Canvas Learning Platform
Credits Available: 3 – 4
Summer Institutes presents:
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Summer Institutes offered its first National Zoom Conference, with its founder, Scott Ricardo and friends! Due to its huge success, all live presentations, PLC’s and relationship building activities were recorded for “On-Demand” viewing using Canvas Learning Platform.
We hope you enjoy this rejuvenating conference, which includes everything you’ve grown to expect from SI and more.
- Replenish, Rejuvenate & Remember Why You Teach
- Trauma Informed Strategies (TIS)
- Resiliency Training Options
- PLC Collaboration, including Teacher Empathy & Stress Reduction
- From STEM to STEAM: Place-Based Education Independent Study
- Innovative On-Line Teaching Strategies
- Relational Equity
- Important Wellness Activities

Course Information
- 3 credits (45 hours) – Passing grade: Attendance & journaling.
Letter grade: Passing requirements, plus written reports on presenters - 4 credits (60 hours) – Passing grade & letter grades same as 3 credits, plus one independent study book reading/report.
Link to buy book:
27 Tools for Turning Adversity into Action,by Christian Moore, Why Try Founder
- University of the Pacific (non-profit/WASC approved)
- Save money with Early Bird registration and Group Rates! (3 or more from the same school)
Additional Links & Materials
- UOP Registration Form
- Syllabus
- Schedule
- Transcript Request
- Official Transcript Request Form
- Official Transcripts (All programs except law and dental)Online orders, visit National Student Clearinghouse .Cost: $5 per transcript plus a $2.25 order processing fee. To check the status of an order, visit the Transcript Order Status Tool.Email, telephone, and fax requests will not be honored, nor will transcripts be emailed or faxed.
The Summer Institutes Difference
Attending a Summer Institutes Conference, whether live or virtual, provides more than just a way to earn additional teaching certification credits, opportunities to earn salary advancement credits, or obtaining professional clock hours. We want to be your partner throughout your continuing education journey. Whether it’s listening to one of our engaging presenters, attending a PBE (Place Based Education) workshop, sharing peer expertise in PLC’s, or participating in a wellness activity or stress reduction class, we’re committed to providing you with the maximum return on your investment. You’ll leave our conferences feeling refreshed, replenished, and rejuvenated. Bottom line: we care about you!
“In my 25 years of evaluating educator conferences, nobody does it as well as Summer Institutes.”
Dr. Rich McBridge, Superintendent – 2014 National President AESA
Salary Advancement Credits Teaching Certification Credits Wellness Options Stress Reduction Place-Based Education

We are so excited to finalize our lineup for our first ever Summer Institutes Zoom Recharge with: “Raising a Heisman”
Parents Principal Robin and Coach Jimmy Burrow
From average Joe to #1 Pro: 
He was snubbed by the school he wanted. He was benched by the school he got. Instead of lying down and giving up, Joe Burrow took that chip on his shoulder and hauled it along to a national championship, a Heisman trophy, and #1 in the NFL draft. Hear his parents’ story of raising the superstar who got knocked down but keeps getting up, and up, and up. Study Joe’s youth through his parents’ memories and ask yourself why did Joe overcome the fear of failure?
Empowering (At-Hope) Students to Self-Manage…the First Step to Reducing Teacher Burnout!
Do you as a teacher experience the following student behavior: Cussing, laughing, bullying teachers, being rude, looking at their phones, walking out in the hall way, throwing things and even getting physical with you?
Coach Ricardo uses his university coaching experience, style and motivational techniques to inspire (At-Hope) youth to learn how to succeed in the classroom and future career settings.
Join this SI RECHARGE and find out how to empower your students to self-manage!
Teachers will learn:
- Mindfulness techniques
- “Top 10 List” most common student mistake self-assessment tool
- Student time management & work ethic
- Which students get hired, which don’t? Why?
- Student self-awareness and how to change the formula.
- Peer Empathy and Collaboration PLC
- Student Behavior/Teacher Response Scenarios
Summer Institutes Founder (1987) Coach Scott Ricardo’s most successful accomplishments include:
- Founder of Humboldt State University’sWe Believe in Youth Mentorship Program
The WBY program was so successful that Mr. Ricardo was asked by AFCA Executive Director Coach Grant Teaff to be a keynote presenter for the American Football Coaches Association’s College National Convention and was also featured on the Children’s Miracle Network nationalized TV program. The WBY program’s number one focus was to reduce male violence, especially against women.
- College and European Professional Football Coach (22 years); Athletic Director; Fundraiser; College Wrestling Coach; College & K-12 PE teacher (35 years) (Voted Three-Time High School Teacher of Distinction by senior class at previous district)
- President/Founder/University Instructor, Summer Institutes (33 years), a national company that provides graduate level professional development courses for educators, coaches, and the general public across the nation. This program features an expertise with classroom management, reducing teacher burnout, and increasing teacher performance.
- Educational and Sports Consultant, https://summerinstitutes.com/consulting/
“Capturing Effort”
Coach Golden Pat Ruel has 38 years of college and National Football League coaching experience.
World Champion Coach Golden Pat Ruel will provide a unique professional growth experience for our SI educators. Participants will learn how to incorporate the Seattle Seahawks system to succeed with classroom management and performance! While you are learning valuable tips on how to coach your students to strive for perfection, you will be entertained with humorous stories about this years Seahawks and other NFL stars!
* A system to capture student effort
* Believing in yourself, why not you?
* Its all about the finish
* learn the magic of whispering
*Creating leaders in a team success concept
Hired to assist the offensive line on September 6, 2010, Ruel begins his 8th season in Seattle. He joined the Seahawks after coaching five seasons (2005-09) at USC in the same capacity.
A Word From the President
Pat has been a circuit speaker for SI since its inception in 1987. I owe my career life and many good times to this man. We worked together in 1978 on Jim Walden’s football staff. Golden taught me the “secret sauce” to coaching and because of his mentorship; I made a living as a collegiate offensive line coach for 22 years and also how to motivate teachers through Summer Institutes. His advice and presentations at numerous SI events has brought a winning formula to education.”
~Scott Ricardo, President/Founder Summer Institutes

Day 1
Title: Resilience Can Be Taught: 10 Strategies Proven to Motivate Any Student
Inspire your staff by introducing them to the principles The Resilience Breakthrough. Discover the power of resilience. Explore how to increase your personal resilience by tapping into the 4 sources.
We’ll give you practical strategies you can put into place right away to deal with personal challenges and adversity.
The RESILIENCE BREAK THROUGH, 27 Tools for Turning Adversity into Action, by Christian Moore, Why Try Founder
Day 2
Title: WhyTry Level 1 Training (Optional)
Our WhyTry Level 1 training is energizing. It will remind you why you pursued a career in education. The level 1 training will give you a general overview of the program and a brief introduction to some of the skills that a facilitator will need to begin using the curriculum.
This training also includes a general discussion of implementation that covers several possible models for rolling out the program. We’ll help you start where you are, and begin using the program immediately as a toolkit. From there, you can build a plan for expanded implementation following our implementation and fidelity checklists.
Why Try has identified four sources of resilience that help every person in a school – students, teachers, and staff – identify where resilience is found and how to access it. Taken from WhyTry Founder Christian Moore’s renowned book The Resilience Breakthrough: 27 Tools for Turning Adversity into Action, the strategies in this engaging new program will transform the way you and your students view life’s challenges.
The idea is straightforward: Teach social and emotional principles to youth in a way they can understand and remember. WhyTry is based on sound empirical principles, including solution-focused brief therapy, social and emotional intelligence, and multisensory learning.
The WhyTry curriculum utilizes a series of ten visual analogies that teach important life skills (e.g., decisions have consequences; dealing with with peer pressure; obeying laws and rules; plugging in to support systems).
The visual analogies are reinforced through the creative use of customized hip-hop music, video, over 150 learning activities, journal activities that help students reflect on program concepts, and other multimedia. The WhyTry curriculum engages all major learning styles (visual, auditory, and body-kinesthetic). WhyTry is often used for RTI and PBiS.
The WhyTry Program is currently at work in over 20,000 organizations in all 50 of the United States, as well as Canada, the UK, and Australia.
Matt Overweg Presents:
Educators… ” the second wave of frontline workers fighting Covid-19″
Derrick Veale is managing St John’s Community School’s online learning. He is an expert in teaching computer courses to educators, students and community members. For over 18 years, Derrick has taught RESA and Summer Institute technology courses along with numerous professional development sessions at various schools and levels. When he’s not teaching, he likes to spend time with his wife and two daughters and go to live concerts.
Participants will learn:
* Using “short cut” applications to improve teaching productivity
* Google Classroom
* Summer Institutes Course Participant’s Technology Advisor
Former WSU Head Coach presents:
“Bringing Respect and Manners Back into the Classroom”
Jim Walden played QB for Wyoming and in the Canadian Professional Football League. As a coach, he was a member of Bob Devaney’s University of Nebraska’s National Championships Teams in 1970 and 1971. Later he became the famous and most successful WSU Cougar Head Coach.
A Word From the President
“WSU Head Coach Jim Walden, the Mississippi Gambler, hired me on his Cougar staff in 1978. Along with Black Tom Parry, working for Jim and his staff was the most enjoyable experience in my career. He taught me that lf a program was to succeed, loyalty must run in both directions.”
Art with Cassidee
Growing up in the small town of Oakdale, California, I was introduced to art at a young age. Being a third generation artist made me a creative person and interested me in the fine art of painting. I can thank my family for being such a huge impact on my artwork and me. My paintings show the beauty I see in the world as well as giving the viewer an insight into my life. My intention is to simulate reality by using paint to portray the things I see in the world as beautiful in realistic terms.
Since 2015, Art with Cassidee has conducted sip and paint nights at it’s home studios and other locations. What makes Art with Cassidee special is it’s hands on approach to guiding people to expand their abilities to paint. Art with Cassidee will work with each individual painter to provide proper instruction so painters can walk away feeling as thought they did something they never thought they could do while having a great time doing it!
I earned a degree in Art Education with an emphasis in painting from Chico State. I started teaching High School Art in 2005. My students inspire me and I hope I do the same for them. Everyone learns the world around them differently and I believe art & creating help students think outside the box and appreciate the beauty around them. I love art & I love creating things. Whether it is decorating my house, growing ivy, or painting my interpretation of an image, my mind sees life as beautiful and as art.
Thinking about our Country and our Students using Nathanson’s Compass of Shame: A Restorative Practice

Harnessing Adversity and Believing in the Power of Now
Ingrid Ricks is an NYT-bestselling author, writing coach, inclusion activist and inspirational speaker who is passionate about leveraging personal storytelling to foster healing, awareness, empathy and change.
Over the past seven years, she has helped more than 2,000 students of every age find healing and empowerment by writing the deeply personal stories they needed to tell, and has produced seven anthologies in partnership with high schools to raise awareness about the serious challenges today’s youth face.
Ingrid, who views personal storytelling as the key to healing and unity in today’s divided world, has teamed with Summer Institutes since 2015 to bring her personal narrative workshops to educators through live conferences and online courses. She also teams with other organizations throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Ingrid’s books include the coming-of-age memoir, Hippie Boy: A Girl’s Story, and Focus, a memoir about her journey with the blinding eye disease Retinitis Pigmentosa. She has also ghostwritten several memoirs and has shared stories from her childhood on Salon and NPR.
For more information, visit www.ingridricks.com, www.summerinstitutes.com
Harnessing Covid19 Distance Learning Adversity
Barbi Riggs has been an educator for 19 years in the Sweet Home (OR) School District. She was a para-educator in the Special Ed Dept. for 5 years, a 1st grade Certified Teacher for 12 years and for the past three years holds the title of Hawthorne Elementary Principal. Barbi attended and facilitated Summer Institutes Conferences since 2009. She is passionate about the vision and direction that SI has for educators. She feels strongly about relationships being a key component in our career. Barbi has helped her school move forward in academics, school culture and most importantly has build a strong Hawthorne Family where genuine relationships with students, staff, parents and community are evident. Her school houses the Practical Academic Life Skills students which requires more classified staff. Barbi has been married to Monte for 30 years; they have 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren.
SI Alumni since 2009 attended as a teacher and also facilitated conferences in Oregon Summer Institutes.
The Power of Stories
Dr. Johnny Lake is a nationally certified and internationally recognized speaker and trainer in programs focused on leadership, diversity, community-building, cross-cultural interactions skills, promoting equity and ethics.
A Word From the President
“Johnny is a true & trusted friend…and a world-class presenter that cares deeply about mankind.”
Site Coordinator: Scott Ricardo
Scott Ricardo will be facilitating the Modesto SI Conference.
Scott will be covering the follow topics during the summit:
- Relationship building based on care, hope & trust
- Mindfulness practices to decrease stress
- Social & Emotional Wellness
- Subject/Grade level PLC Facilitator
- Place Based Education
- Wellness Education
The STEAM Education Movement in Schools
STEAM education is gaining popularity in schools across the country. Learn how students are benefitting from educators who have begun adopting this framework.
From STEM…
“Hard at work at Summer Institutes.”
Film provided by Alex Kajitani, California Teacher of the Year and nationally known as “The Rappin’ Mathematician” http://alexkajitani.com
“Taking STEM to the next level with STEAM learning opportunities and activities.”
Film provided by Art Teacher Cassidee Dermond, https://cassideesartgallery.weebly.com.
All participants will receive an email that includes an invitation to join our Canvas Learning Platform.