Laura Mooiman
BIO: Laura Mooiman, LCSW is an American based in The Netherlands who specializes in international educational consulting. She provides keynote addresses, professional development training, coaching, and consultation to educators and professionals wanting to improve school culture, safety, and student behavior. She is an adjunct faculty member at Saint Mary’s College of California and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). Most recently she was the Project Director for the Wellness Program and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) at Napa Valley Unified School District.
Laura is a leading expert on how to implement evidence-based approaches to school discipline and classroom management in schools that lead to real results. Services are focused on the areas of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS/MTSS), Restorat
Laura holds a Masters in Social Work degree from the University of California Los Angeles and has over 20 years of experience in the US as a school district administrator, social worker in elementary, middle, and high schools, special education, County Probation, County Mental Health, Child Protective Services, and in Private Practice. Laura is a consultant for multiple NIH and IES research grants and a recipient of two US Congressional Recognition for Outstanding Service to the Community in 2007 and 2015. Laura is a Restorative Practices Trainer, trained by the International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP), a Registered Qualified Trainer for the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ), and a consultant to schools and districts internationally.