2021 – Camp Kimtu Football Coaches Camp
(Paso Robles, CA)
1 Credit Available
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Individual Registration:
1 Credits
Conference Only (no credits)
Course Information
Camp Kimtu “South,” One-Day Football Coaches Camp
Date: June 25, 2021 – 1 – 7 PM
Location: Allegretto Winery Resort (Paso Robles, CA) or Live Virtual Conference
Credits Available: 1
We are back! The TEAM of coaches from the famous 90’s Camp Kimtu Football Clinic are reuniting in Paso Robles, CA on Friday, June 25, 2021, from 1 -7 p.m. at the elegant Allegretto Winery Resort. The Founder of Camp Kimtu, Summer Institutes’ President Scott Ricardo, is offering coaches a condensed fun version of “Kimtu South.”
Join Scott and his staff for a Santa Maria Tri-Tip BBQ & social sponsored by CAL PRO! 1 semester credit available. Call Scott for reservations 209-648-4054, [email protected] or register below.
COST: $125 before June 24, $150 at the door. Additional $50 for 1 UOP semester credit. Golf Saturday!
Course Information
- 1 Semester University of the Pacific Graduate Level Credits
- One-credit class is a fifteen hours (1 semester units = 1.5 quarter credits).
- University of the Pacific (non-profit/WASC approved)
- Save money with Early Bird registration
Additional Links & Materials
- UOP Registration Form
- Transcript Request
- Official Transcript Request Form
- Official Transcripts (All programs except law and dental)Online orders, visit National Student Clearinghouse .Cost: $5 per transcript plus a $2.25 order processing fee. To check the status of an order, visit the Transcript Order Status Tool.Email, telephone, and fax requests will not be honored, nor will transcripts be emailed or faxed.
Coach/Author Golden Pat Ruel: Listen to stories of this former USC National Champion and Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl World Champion Coach about the great players and coaches that he worked with, including Green Bay Packers Brett Favre and Seahawk Seahawks Russel Wilson. Pat’s expertise: O-line play, pass protection and zone blocking.
Coach Mark Speckman: Listen to stories from this most hilarious coach, who was born with no hands, but competed to play and coach football in high school, college and in the CFL. As a line-backer, Mark actually intercepted a “pick 6,” but the touchdown was called back because Mark was called for holding! Mark’s expertise: RB play, RPO’s, the fly sweep (the original designer) and deception
Coach Jimmy Burrow: Listen to stories from his experience as a defensive-back starter at the University of Nebraska, CFL’s Montreal Alouettes and as the Defensive Coordinator for Ohio University…plus how he raised his son, Heisman Trophy Winner & NFL #1 Draft; QB Joe Burrow. Jimmy’s expertise: DB play, defending RPO’s and game planning preparation.
Coach Scott Ricardo: Coached at CAL, WSU, CWU, HSU & in the European Professional Football League. NO Stories!
Scott’s expertise: LB/O line, playing legally mean and knowing how to a gain one yard when the game is on the line…a lost technique. Plus, you will be coached on how to perform his “active shooter defense” judo roll to a cobra strike. Participants will be prepared to protect students.
Coach/Author Jim “Mississippi Gambler” Walden (via Zoom Only): Listen to stories of this former Wyoming QB who played in the East-West Shrine Game with teammate QB Dandy Don Meredith (the first Monday Night Football Announcer with Howard Cossell). In the 50’s, Jim also was an Elvis Presley “Rock A Billy” groupie and watched Elvis perform as the 3rd billing in the Tupelo County Fair in Mississippi. Rock & Roll star, Chuck Berry, also one night asked Jim and his buddies to go into a segregated restaurant to buy a hamburger for him outside, siiting in his Caddy. Jim’s expertise: QB play, option, and roll-out passing.
The Story and Pictures of the Famous Camp Kimtu!
In the mid 90’s, coaches came together for a 5-day adult football camp. Our star presenter was Coach Golden Ruel who attended all four years. The Kimtu clinic experience was unique which featured pro, college and top high school coaches. Along with hours of football from 9 am to 9 pm, attendees also enjoyed a professional comedy show, whitewater rafting, storytelling and an up-close relationship with 5-Star Presenters around our fireside chats. In 100 degree weather in Willow Creek, CA we had plenty of ice cold pop and beer to hydrate the coaches. Classic memorable stories were made like when PAC10 Coach of the Year, Coach Jim Walden, who had a touch of the flu, had to stop his presentation and walk to the window to throw up. He immediately walked back to the microphone and did not skip a beat. The whole house roared because they thought it was because of him enjoying the local watering hole the night before.
Picture 1: The first Hard Rock winner “The General” three time Washington State Champion Chuck Tarbox (RIP) sitting with his honored rock and fellow Kimtu TEAM. There was blood on that rock, because the night before he fell back at the campfire and split his head open on the rock…but he got right up and kept clinicing.
Picture 2: We even worked on technique during road construction delay on the way to the Trinity River raft trip.
Picture 3: Rafters Coach Ruel, Coach Hamerschmidt, Coach Brea (WSU) & Coach Diedrick (Notre Dame).
Picture 4: For some reason coaches were not paying attention to Coach Brea
Picture 5: Coach Brea was smart enough to move to the distraction and get every ones attention!
Picture 6: Coach Black Tom Parry (RIP) showing off his Hard Rock Award and enjoying his last beer weeks before he died. Watch video at the bottom of Black Tom explaining what he had to survive to win that award
Black Tom’s last walk into a Honkey Tonk!
Black Tom’s last sip of beer and cheer to Coach Speckman and Kimtu!
Black Tom Parry’s Last Days and thoughts about Camp Kimtu
Register Now
All participants will receive an email that includes an invitation to join the Zoom classroom link. Please check back periodically for further instructions and updates. Thank you for your patience during this transition.